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CPD review update – May 2021
About the CPD review
Review of the current CPD requirements for lawyers in Victoria

In June and July of 2020 we commissioned an independent consultant, Mr Chris Humphreys, to conduct a review of the current CPD arrangements in Victoria. The review heard from over 170 organisations and individuals about the how the system in Victoria could be improved to enable the legal profession to have meaningful, relevant and accessible learning opportunities that enrich the quality of legal services provided to the Victorian community.
We thank our stakeholders and the profession for their contributions and for embracing this important review.
The review’s final report ‘Getting the Point? Review of Continuing Professional Development for Victorian Lawyers’ found that while the CPD system is not broken, it needs improvement to reflect more contemporary approaches to adult learning and professional development.
We have accepted the report’s 28 recommendations for change and are currently working on a plan for implementation, including establishing the recommended CPD Steering Committee. The focus of activity will initially be toward improving the information, guidance and resources available and on supporting increasing availability, relevance and quality of ethics CPD.
You can read a copy of the report here.
CPD review update – May 2021
We are currently talking with professional associations, CPD providers and other stakeholders about how we can work together to improve the quality, availability, relevance and diversity of CPD activities over the next 3-4 years. Our initial focus will be on better guidance and resources for lawyers so there is more clarity and access for different groups.
Ethics education will also be a strong focus given the significant concerns raised by lawyers during the review and as further highlighted by the findings of the RCMPI. A robust CPD scheme based on a culture of continuous learning and development will support lawyers achieve the highest standards of ethics and practice.
About the CPD review
We commissioned an independent consultant, Mr Chris Humphreys, to conduct a review of the current CPD arrangements in Victoria in accordance with our Terms of Reference. An Issues Paper and short Executive Summary were developed outlining the issues under consideration. Some of the topics considered were barriers to accessing CPD, the mandatory subject fields, learning formats, quality, and compliance and enforcement.
You can read copies of the submissions here.
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