External Examiner Newsletter - April 2023
Updates and advice for external examiners. In this issue: Upcoming deadlines | Canaries in the Coal Mine 2023 | A new way to contact us | Important reminders for EE reporting | VLSB+C Risk Outlook and more.
Updates and advice for external examiners. In this issue: Upcoming deadlines | Canaries in the Coal Mine 2023 | A new way to contact us | Important reminders for EE reporting | VLSB+C Risk Outlook and more.
The law practice Lloyd Meridian Legal, formerly operated by the lawyer Roland Voon, is under external intervention and its affairs are being wound up.
The VLSBC’s Risk Outlook 2023 highlights five risks for the Victorian profession that will be areas of regulatory focus for us in the coming year, including issues associated with each risk and our planned response to them.
Commissioner update to the legal profession - March 2023. In this edition: Practising certificate renewals open 27 March | End of the CPD year | Supervised legal practice | Guidance on using confidential documents and more.
Ms Nelson, 37, was a proud Gunditjmara, Dja Dja Wurrung, Wiradjuri and Yorta Yorta woman, who passed away in tragic circumstances while in State custody on 2 January 2020.
Commissioner update to the legal profession - December 2022. In this edition: Office closure | Removing supervised legal practice condition from your PC | Cybersecurity | LPLC Alert.
Commissioner update to the legal profession - October 2022. In this edition: Lawyer-Client Relationship Survey | CPD Audits | Cybercrime | End of trust year takeaways.
Findings of the 2022 Lawyer-Client Relationship Survey that focusses on lawyers' experiences of providing legal services to their clients, including key issues and challenges.
Commissioner update to the legal profession - July 2022. In this edition: PC renewal closed | Changes to supervised legal practice | New lawyer wellbeing resources and consumer information.
Commissioner update to the legal profession - May 2022. In this edition: VLSB+C survey on the lawyer-client relationship | Russia/Ukraine sanctions compliance | Renew your practising certificate.