2024 Risk Outlook
Earlier this month, we released our 2024 Risk Outlook, highlighting key risks in Victoria’s legal profession.
Earlier this month, we released our 2024 Risk Outlook, highlighting key risks in Victoria’s legal profession.
In this issue we launch the Risk Outlook 2024 and the Lawyer Wellbeing Theory of Change project. Also, see a reminder to renew your PC and complete the SLP survey.
In this issue: Safeguarding against cybercrime | Wellness for Law Forum | PC renewal | SLP survey | End of CPD year | End of trust year and more.
The study is being led by researchers from the Australian National University and the University of Melbourne, with support from the VLSB+C and key legal regulatory bodies in New South Wales and Western Australia.
As part of our commitment to fostering a culture of wellbeing within the legal community, we're joining the Law Institute of Victoria (LIV) in supporting this unique annual gathering of academics, lawyers and law students.
We advise that Spiros Kalotihos is not a registered legal practitioner. He cannot engage in any type of legal practice or represent that he is entitled to do so.
In this issue: Cybersecurity | Annual report highlights | Detailed SLP survey results | Exploring legal costs | Keeping Women Out of the Justice System | Sexual harassment positive duty and more.
As part of the annual practising certificate renewal period we survey Victorian lawyers to find out more about their working lives.
Implementing appropriate cybersecurity protocols is essential for competent practice management. Here's what you need to do.