16 Dec. 2020 Refund of Practising Certificate fees If you have been contacted about a practising certificate fee refund please read this information
08 Dec. 2020 Commissioner Update December 2020 Commissioner update to the legal profession - December 2020
08 Dec. 2020 Increase in fraud at law practices by non-lawyers In the past two years we have seen an increase in the number of claims being lodged against the Fidelity Fund for losses suffered by clients
08 Dec. 2020 External examinations – what are we looking for? An External Examiner review can be a stressful process and it can feel that there may be serious disciplinary consequences for any rule breaches, no matter the circumstances
08 Dec. 2020 Trust reconciliations –deadlines extended Due to the difficulties many law practices have faced with record keeping during COVID-19, we are extending the deadline for completing all records
08 Dec. 2020 Supervised legal practice condition If your practising certificate (PC) has a supervised legal practice (SLP) condition, you need to apply to have this removed