The Victorian Legal Services Board and Commissioner’s (VLSB+C) independent research team is inviting Victorian lawyers to take part in the Lawyer Census 2025.
The VLSB+C conducts surveys each year to hear Victorian lawyers’ perspectives on systemic issues affecting the profession, as an optional part of the annual practising certificate renewal process.
This year, instead of the renewal’s survey, we will be conducting the Lawyer Census 2025, and we encourage all lawyers to make their voices heard by taking part. The census is being conducted by our new research team, and is separate to the renewal process.
This voluntary survey is an opportunity for you to share your experiences and opinions on key issues currently affecting Victoria’s legal profession, including:
- artificial intelligence – its use, risks and benefits
- wellbeing
- lawyer competency
- how you see yourself as a lawyer
- sexual harassment and uncivil behaviours in the workplace.
The data collected through the census will be anonymous and won’t be linked to, or cross-referenced with, any other information held by the VLSB+C (including regulatory data and practising certificate renewal applications).
By taking part, you’re helping to improve our understanding of how important issues facing the profession are directly affecting practising lawyers. Your insights will be drawn on to inform policies, procedures, guidance and resources to better support the profession, with the aim of improving your experience as a lawyer.
The research team will conduct the Lawyer Census annually to keep track of some of the most important issues facing the Victorian legal profession.
The census will take about 10–15 minutes to complete. You can choose to only answer the questions you feel comfortable answering, and if at any point you don’t want to continue, you can opt out.
Any information you share through the census will be kept strictly confidential, and stored securely in line with our Privacy Policy.
The research team will analyse the data, and the results will be reported publicly as de-identified and aggregate data only.
The census will be open from Thursday 20 February through to Sunday 23 March.
If you have any questions, contact the research team directly on (03) 7039 8460 or at
Commissioner’s message
We’ve long supported legal research and placed an emphasis on regulation and policy development that’s underpinned by robust evidence and data. We’re excited to be launching our first ever Lawyer Census under the direction of leading international expert in access to justice research, Professor Nigel Balmer.
The rich insights we gain through the Lawyer Census year on year will help to ensure our regulatory approach continues to be evidence-based and responsive to the profession’s needs.
I encourage you to participate.
Fiona McLeay
Board CEO and Commissioner