We’re seeking feedback on the final draft of the lawyer wellbeing Systems Theory of Change before it’s published this year. You can review the draft model and confidentially contribute your input by 26 February via the Sector Survey.
The Theory of Change project is guided by the principle that to make real and lasting change in lawyer wellbeing, the focus for action needs to move beyond individual resilience, to the system-wide drivers that are having negative impacts.
The draft has been developed by First Person Consulting through a collaborative co-design process with the Victorian legal sector. The final stage of review has now commenced and input is invited from across the sector, including from:
- lawyers
- representatives from professional associations
- representatives from organisations that support access to legal services
- legal educators and law students
- lawyer wellbeing specialists and researchers
- the judiciary
- legal regulators under the Uniform Law.
If you want to help finalise the Systems Theory of Change for lawyer wellbeing, and share your thoughts on what will support its implementation, you can review the draft and share your input directly to First Person Consulting via the Sector Survey here.
If you do not wish to fill out the survey, you can still access a PDF of the draft Theory of Change at this link.