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How we handle disputes

We will help you with your enquiry or provide advice about self resolution.

We will help you with your enquiry or provide advice about self resolution. If the matter remains unresolved you can lodge a formal complaint. The complaint form is available here.

  • Your complaint may be either a consumer or a disciplinary complaint. Some complaints may be both. We usually deal with the consumer complaint first.
  • We may need more information from you. If the complaint is about costs, we need copies of your bills.
  • You will be asked to explain to us the outcome you would like.
  • We will try to help you resolve your complaint.
  • We will need proof of your loss if seeking compensation.
  • You are expected to negotiate fairly with the intention of resolving the complaint.
  • If the matter is not resolved, the complaint may be investigated.
  • The complaint may be closed if no further action is required.
  • In some cases you may be referred to VCAT or the Costs Court.
  • We may decide to investigate the issues you have raised.
  • We may ask for additional information from you and from the lawyer.
  • We may conduct a costs review of the lawyer’s file to assess fair and reasonable costs.
  • In some cases, we will make a legally binding decision about how much a lawyer can charge for their work. This is called a Determination.
  • If a Determination is made, we will explain this process to you.
  • The complaint may be closed if no further action is required.
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