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Funding opportunities

What support we offer and how to apply

We provide funding for projects and organisations that help achieve the goals set out in our grants strategy. Our funding model has two distinct streams:

  • Change Grants – Advancing Housing Justice Grants Round now open
  • Strong Foundations Grants – next round opens in August 2024
  • Change Grants
  • Strong Foundations
  • Our Change Grants provide funding for individual projects that aim to address issues or gaps limiting people's access to justice. 

    These grants are an effective way for not-for-profit organisations to test new ideas and advocate for change. 

    We work with grant recipients to tailor the funding to suit their project, which sees us offer grants of up to three years, where appropriate. 

    By providing organisations with the funding they need to do the vital work that they do, we promote innovation in service delivery, policy and law reform, helping to reduce disadvantage in Victoria's justice system.  

    Our Change Grants are delivered each year, continuing the work that has been central to our long-running grants program

  • The Advancing Housing Justice Grants Round aims to help more Victorians to access and keep secure, safe housing. It will do this by supporting partnerships to lead systemic reforms designed to improve housing outcomes. 

    This new grants round is a key recommendation from our 2024 report, Advancing housing justice: The opportunity for legal services to improve access to housing.  

    Authored by consumer rights advocate and lawyer Gerard Brody, the report explores ways for collaboratively addressing the legal problems contributing to the state’s growing housing crisis. 

    By providing these new grants, we’re enabling the justice and housing sectors to work together to effect real change. 

    The Advancing Housing Justice Grants Round is now open.

    Please note: because we are holding this priority-themed grants round, we will not be holding a general Change Grants round for financial year 2024–25. 

  • Our Advancing Housing Justice Grants Round aims to support the legal assistance sector to work in partnership to improve housing outcomes for Victorians.

    This is why we are seeking applications from collaborations with a strategic justice focus aiming to achieve long-term change.

    Applicants should be Victorian-based, not-for-profit, non-government organisations whose activities also happen in Victoria.

  • Applications are now open for our Advancing Housing Justice Grants Round.

    To apply:

    Only 1 application per organisation will be accepted. 

  • In addition to our project grants, we now offer flexible and stable funding over three to five years to eligible community legal centres in Victoria.

    Strong Foundations Grants give organisations more freedom to decide where and how resources are allocated, helping them to build capacity and achieve their strategic objectives.

    By supporting organisations with a proven track record, and harnessing their expertise, ambition and leadership, our goal is to bring about positive systemic change that improves access to justice for all Victorians.

    Benefits to your organisation

    • Maximise the impact of your work
    • Direct funds where they are needed most
    • Adapt to changing circumstances
    • Pursue opportunities as they arise
    • Attract and retain staff
    • Improved planning
  • For our first-ever round of Strong Foundations Grants, we are targeting community legal centres in Victoria that have received funding from us within the last five years. Download the Strong Foundations Grants guidelines for more on eligibility and selection criteria.

  • This round is invite-only and we have contacted eligible organisations directly with information on how to apply. The next round will be in 2024. Sign up for our newsletter so you don't miss out on future updates or email us at with any questions.

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